
Reshapening of the nose in order to achieve more aesthetic dimensions and a more balanced nose according to the face.

Rhinoplasty , also called plastic surgery of the nose or a "nose job," is a very popular procedure that can make profound differences not only in the balance of facial features, but also in a person's self-esteem. The aesthetic improvements that a rhinoplasty surgeon can make include decreasing or increasing the size of the nose, altering the tip or bridge of the nose, and narrowing or changing the shape of the nostrils. Learn more about the nose surgery procedure, its cost, the possible risks and benefits of nose surgery, and more.

Candidates for
this procedure

Nose reshaping candidates should be at least in their mid teens (14 to 15 for girls), and slightly older for boys. At these ages, the nasal bone has matured and the shape of the nose has stabilized. All rhinoplasty patients should have realistic expectations for their surgery. It is helpful for the surgeon to know, prior to surgery, what the patient hopes to look like after rhinoplasty, but it is important that those expectations be aligned with what is surgically possible.


Out Patient procedure. Epidural anesthesia with sedation or general. Back to work in 1-2 weeks.
